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Age: 21
Location: Valorn
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
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Wednesday, 09 May 2007
It has been some time since my last entry. I tend to not write when things are uneventful, so the frequency with them will vary from day to day.

Days have passed since Ellyana left these lands. I'm worried about her, but I'll trust in her to keep her promise to return. At least by reading her journal writings I can know that she still is walking amongst us. it seems like most of my time now is occupied by constant checks for new entries.

I really regret not going along with her, but this was something that she was prepared to do on her own. She wouldn't have me at her side and I knew it was not a subject even worth approaching. All I could do was stand firm in my resolution that she must do what she feels necessary, that it was her fight and should not be meddled with.

Too often we're tempted with shouldering the burdens of others, but some burdens are meant for one person alone and without taking care of the issue themselves, they will never be truly rid of it. I wish that her friends that went ahead of her had realized that. It angers me that they would put her into the way of harm by doing something that would obviously push her to leave these lands. People don't think about the consequences of their actions.

Their intentions, while well meaning, are worthless. Good intentions of the unprepared and uncalculating simply cause more harm than anything else.

I can only hope that Lucy is holding up well. She has taken this parting just as hard as I have. Her caring nature is powerful, I'm sure her heart is with Ellyana at this moment, just as mine is. As long as this remains true, she will never be truly alone... nor without the protection of another's love.
Atkin posted @ 12:09 - Link - comments